Coach Your Child To Be A
​Family Team Player

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  • Children and Parents Want To Feel Heard

    Children have a bundle of feelings and mountains of sensitive thoughts swirling around in their mind, that when held in or suppressed, can explode.  Children aren't the only ones who want to be heard though. We parents want to know that our children are absorbing all that we have to share with them, and accepting the guidance and protection we offer. Let's face it, both parents and children want be respected and listened to. 

  • Today's Society Puts Pressure on Youth

    Children today have a lot to deal with. The ever increasing demands of school, peer pressure magnified by social media, increased violence and bullying, can add up to a type of stress that we adults didn't have to think about when we were growing up. Yet, in many ways, some things haven't changed at all over the years. Children and parents want to feel important, and be heard. We all want to feel like we're making a difference. A family with team players, who cheer for and support one another, can do that.

  • Is Your Child Already A Team Player?

    If your child is already a team player, why not work towards making your child, and family a championship winning team? There's always room for improvement when it comes to relationships, confidence, and communication skills.


You want your child to feel confident sharing their thoughts with you, open and honestly. There are proven strategies that nearly guarantee a child will improve their communication, leadership skills, willingness to be a family team player, and help bullyproof them. The reality is, you're doing some or all of these already, but are you consistent? That's where the magic is. Consistently, day in and day out, applying these approaches will nurture your child's personal brilliance and coach them into being a family team player.

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